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End of an era

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


The threads for "Bandaluthia" and "Rise of the Runelords" have both left the front page on the Meetup site!

I have noticed that the amount of posting there has significantly dropped. Once "Scales of War" and to some extent "Baldur's Gate" have moved over here, my bet is that there will not be many active people left on Meetup.

We can discuss this tomorrow at the BBQ or at a forthcoming Organisers' Meeting, but I sort of maintain that "Move the GMs, get the players" is the right policy to effect the transition.

Any thoughts?


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Behind the scenes, and what I see on the stats (Using your detested Google Analytics, and website logs.) It is interesting to see the gradual decline of one being replaced by the gradual increase in the other.

Meetup has declined from +/- 250 visits per day in Jan/Mar, to +/- 75 per day in July. This site in the meantime is now achieving +/- 30 per day with a much reduced pool of users at present. Already we are getting some 10% of visits from search engines. Some July decline is perfectly normal. However, this decline is somewhat marked in comparison to past years from memory. Using my own Website logs, I know that Google does not include the many visits by its own robots or those of Bing, Yahoo Et. Al.

While it certainly is the end of an era with Bandaluthia slipping into the second page. When the Meetup site was running well, that could have happened if no one posted on a thread within just a few days. The last post to Bandaluthia on Meetup was nearly a month ago. In the mean time its life continues unabated here, just as Rosé of the Rhineland does. wink


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


I have told Nick to move "Kingmaker" here too, with the advice of creating a game page, a calendar event and a thread.

He shall request you to be made a "Game Master" soon.

Oddly enough "Kingmaker" has yet to attain a healthy level of posting, things may change now as Ian (ian_t) has registered. The game only happens every other Friday as well, which may limit the posts too.
We may not get any new recruit thoughsad as the "Kingmaker" troupe is nearly identical to the "Rise of the RuneLords" one, with a GM


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

It looks like the loud mouthed Cuban Commie has left
He has posted the following in the Members section:

''I'm off, because the treatment of our former organiser was a disgrace.
Hope to see you all soon.

So, has he merely unregistered himself or has he indulged in unmoderated comments laced with insinuations about dog lover activities related to the mothers of key personel?
Something like "Jou Ma skuld my hond kleingeld" as they would say in ZA.


Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

End of an era indeed... and the start of something awesomely new and puuurdy.

posts: 61

He merely unregistered himself ... Time to move on.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Booh ooohhh, we were all expecting something heroic.
Well, I have plans just to do the same, go quietly.

My players are all here now, and the only appearance I have made of late has been to post the August Big Meet events. Then again, they merely point here now.


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