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Derby Evening Gaming

Paladin posts: 219


I am in the process of offering up some gaming type fun to people who can come to Derby. :P

Not sure what I'll be running just yet, though it'll probably be fantasy flavour and probably DnD related.

But yes, currently all I can say for certain is that it won't be a Monday or Wednesday or Thursday night, and due to Dan being one of those who want to play, we might need to be pretty flexible about how often we get to play.

But if you live in Derby and want to do some gaming, shout out! Let me know what sort of stuff you'd like to play, where you'd like to play it, when you can play and if you demand tribute of some kind. :P



Dan posts: 44 United Kingdom

Hellz yeah, I'm in. My work schedule is violently unpredictable, but if the group is willing to be a little bit flexible about how often we can game, I'm all for it. I can likely offer up my place to play in, but I don't have a room or a table that's really suited, so it might get a little tricky, especially with more than a very few people. Nevertheless, the option is there if we need it.

As to the actual game, I'm always happy to play some D&D, though it does feel like a remarkably long time since I've played anything else, so I'd be up for almost anything. I'd suggest WFRP if people are into it as it's my favourite game of all time, but would go with pretty much any game. I've also quite fancied giving Rogue Trader a shot ever since it came out.

Paladin posts: 219

Well, if we do play WFRP, then you wouldn't need a lot of space for models and things in the middle of the table, but you would need some room for cards and things for each character, which could be as simple as a big place mat or even the floor. *laughs*

But yes, if ya can let me know as soon as you know when you'll be available, then we can arrange something. :-D

Dan posts: 44 United Kingdom

Just got my rota for next week, and it looks like I've got a good few days off. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm free on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - the days you said you're otherwise engaged.

posts: 64 Europe

we have just finished a 8 week run of Rogue Trader and i thought it was marvellous

I really like the enormity of it all (today i will execute 1500 prisoners on a whim). I also like its career sytem better than 2nd ed whfrp. If, like me, you dont know the 40k universe, all the 'words' can be a bit overwhelming. the characters are somewhat more capable than their 2nd ed
I love the look and feel of the RT core rulebook, though it is impossible to find anything

we are hopefully playing more later in the year so let folk now

Dan posts: 44 United Kingdom

Thanks John - if you're planning on doing more RT I'd love it if there was a spare spot round the table. I totally agree about the epic scale and grandeur of it really making the game.

posts: 64 Europe

will do....we actually played about 150 yards from where you live!!....assuming you havent moved!

Paladin posts: 219


Sorry about that, life kinda kicked me in the head. :P

To reiterate, whats your next lot of free days, Dan? :-D

mousie69uk posts: 51 United Kingdom

Not received a rota going beyond Sunday yet. I'll let you know as soon as I know.

EDIT: This is Dan posting in disguise as Becky, who was apparently logged in when I posted.

Paladin posts: 219

Oooo, a cunning disguise! *laughs*

Well, do you know what you two fancy playing chief? I'm happy to run anything I've currently got the books for, which would be;

Warhammer Fantasy
DnD 4th Ed
DnD 3.5

Given twenty minutes with other books, I'll be able to run anything else too. :p

Dan posts: 44 United Kingdom

Two? Not sure if you're counting on Becky's involvement here or if there's someone else in mind, but I'm not sure how much time she's got what with placements and other game (and real life *gasp*) commitments.

For my money, my fave out of those would definitely be Warhammer. I don't really fancy Deathwing to be honest, as I'm not sure how much roleplaying can really be achieved if everyone plays Space Marines. I'd be quite up for Rogue Trader, for which I have the core book if you wish to look at it.

Paladin posts: 219

I was indeed referring to you and Becky. :-) I appreciate real life can be a bit of a bitch, but would be nice to get our game on. :-D

And I've run Rogue Trader a couple of times, just pretty sure I don't own a copy! *laughs*

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