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Non D&D roleplaying groups

posts: 3 United Kingdom


I'm new to these forums, and to the group; please be gentle with me.

I was wondering if there are any groups in or around Nottingham who are playing anything other than D&D.

I have nothing against D&D - I have played and enjoyed it for many years ( though not recently), it's just that I am after something different.

I wondered if anyone is playing the new Doctor Who game for example, or any of the new FATE based games ( Starblazer, Spirt of the Century), or even any World of Darkness games.

I have read some threads on this forum that suggest posts such as this meet with little success, and that the best way to get a group together is announce a game and see who turns up. I think this might work for any iteration of D&D, but I'm not confident it would work for any of the other more 'obscure' games.

I feel I should point out that I have never actually played these games. I have bought a couple of rulebooks just to read, but ultimately these games are written to be played. I guess all I'm really doing is gauging whether people out there do play these games locally.

Many thanks for your time,

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Those aren't obscure games, they are positively mainstream! biggrin

Oh and hello and welcome to the group. As a man that has a few issues with dnd and a great fondness for other games I can level no small amount of empathy and tell you with hand on heart to have faith. There is certainly a tendency toward dnd, and many group members may even prefer it but most folks around here are also very open to playing other things too.

In my experience it seems to be a bit more work to get a non-dnd game started but in true field of dreams fashion if you build it, they will come. In the time I've been with this group I've seen Gurps, SLA Industries, WHFRP, Savage Worlds, Mojo Rules!, Serenity, Fusion and Rifts run. And there are probably others I'm forgetting about. And I'm talking campaigns there not one shots at the big meet - that list would be quite a bit longer I should think.

So I'm sure you'll be able to find/start something. I've not been to the gaming stores in Nottingham so I don't much about them to tell you more but I suspect making a visit to those and enquiring would set you off to a good start.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

See, I told you Alan would bite. razz

I positively KNOW that there are other games being played in Nottingham.


posts: 284

I do know that non D&D games are run at Vague Connections. I know Ginga has hosted a variety of non D&D games (Warhammer/Vampire etc) although they haven't specifically had involvement from memeber of the group.

I'm sure if you pop by Vauge Connections you will be able to find people interested in playing in non D&D games (and maybe pick up some of the relevent rules books too).

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Yes Len well done - I'm planning on coming back some time you know so I have to keep the fire of the good other games burning bright to make it easier for me to get up and running again. wink

Who knows, I might even get to play...

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

I've played games other than D&D but mostly to play in another genre/setting such as the Serenity (sci fi) RPG.

Always keen to try other fantasy systems though. I dabbled with MERP many years ago and I've heard good things about WHFRP too.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

There is the possibility of a member offering a Cthulhu game at the next Big Meet too. By the same DM who ran one in April. The deal is not yet done, but I think she is persuadable. - You know who you are, volunteer dammit!

The next Big Meet isn't on the calendar yet, because we have had a bit of a staffing problem, but I'll try and get it done soon. However, it is always at the Brunswick, and it is always on the second Saturday every month, at 1pm for the social, and 2pm for the first game. (Don't just rock up at 2 and expect to be in a game, as spaces could have gone by then, while folks chatted over their food.)


posts: 3 United Kingdom

Thanks for all the replies.

I have always been interested in how a Cthulhu game runs, but unfortunately Saturdays during the day are difficult for me. I'll keep checking the site for more stuff.

Thanks again.

posts: 3 United Kingdom

Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. Despite my earlier protestations. I have now been persuaded to join a D&D group at work.

I'm going to see how it goes, but I may be back on these forums if it doesn't work out.

Thanks again for the kindness extended to me by this group. I will recommend this place to others.


posts: 54

There is a Marvel Superheroes game starting up on a fortnightly Sunday basis in Nottingham at Mondo Comico.

Also, I believe they have Monday evening games which are non-D&D (think one group is playing Serenity at the moment). I know the owner, David, is a big fan of Spirit of the Century, and our groups generally use aspects of that in character creation no matter the genre.

There is also a Tuesday group that meets there which plays lots which isn't D&D (think it is Rogue Trader at the moment).

Generally, they have something going on every night of the week.

Additionally, as Harper mentioned I believe Andrew/Ginga at Vague Connections (also in Nottingham) runs some World of Darkness stuff.

Depending on your location you may also wich to check out Chimera in Beeston (though of the three they are the only one that charge you to play).

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Little update, we've just had a shiny new member join us (Badgerblue) and if you check out his posts:

and Here

You'll find him to be a Nottingham man offering some Gurps action up and maybe other stuff too. Dunno but it seems to me there are some new possibilities to be explored there.

posts: 6 United Kingdom

Thanks Alan - I appreciate the ref. especially being a newboy here.

I was goign to post about how I am looking for players who are willing to step outside the standard fayre and into one of my games.

I run GURPS. But i can do anything with GURPS.

I am currently looking for a idea of what the people want.

I am looking for 4 players and a table...


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