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Non-specific game related stuff.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

This is just a general interest post. Not quite a rant.

I just allowed my players to use some uber-powerful magical items against what was supposed to be an overwhelming force of an entire Drow army. Had it not been for creative use of these magic items and the presence of an artefact, they would have been mincemeat.

When players find that an army of at least 200 Drow, with at least 6 high level clerics of Lolth and twice as many high level protectors for them, you expect players to work out the odds as being somewhat greater than 40 to 1, and to avoid the conflict. Oh, no. Not my players.

The phrase "You know, I think we can take them." was quickly followed by a plan so ingenious that it might have come right out of the A-Team. "If we take this, and do this with it, then cast this, and this before they can do that, we could probably win. We could at least give them a bruising and get clean away." As it was only the rogue made his now traditional response to Drow, by falling unconscious in the first volley.

So now, L'On Daxxt, who is not just a high priestess of Lolth but one who multi-classed as a sorceress capable of casting teleport, is now more than a little annoyed with the PCs, who not only stole her artefact, but then killed her army. Methinks they have not heard the last of L'On Daxxt.

OK, so without the help of the artefact they might have been mauled a little. However when finally provided with a focus you would expect that something held prisoner for years and used as bait in a trap would use the focus to channel just a little revenge on his captors. Its just a box where someone's ashes are stored, but they are the mortal remains of someone a bit special.


Mik posts: 48 United Kingdom


Reminds me of a Spelljammer (2nd Ed) tournament I DM'd at one of the GENCON's in the early 90's.

The opening scene had the party ambushed by Drow and when they should have lost, taken to the Drow city, there being sold as slaves to a Neogi slaver and taken into space for the adventure "proper". Unfortunately/fortunately my group through inventive use of their powers not only survived the ambush but spent the whole 4 hour slot alotted, "questioning" the prisoners through role-playing (not a skill challenge in sight - ah!)

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

The first time I ran this scenario, the party rightly decided they were not going to fight the army head on, traced back their exit route from their underground home, and attempted to wreck the path that led out. This led to their rogue suffering the same fate that the current party's rogue has suffered.

I stealthily make my way down the cliff face path. I use the mirky mist to hide in. "Fortitude Save." Failed. "You feel no effect other than the decidedly rank smell of the mist catching in your lungs." At least the current rogue didn't go in and stay in for several minutes while he set a trap that should kill lots of Drow and ruin the path as a route to the surface. He was ageing much faster than the current rogue. twisted


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