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Offering for May Big Meetup

Paladin posts: 219

Whilst I won't be home in time for the April Big Meet, I will be back for the May one.

As such, I thought I would throw this thread up to offer my talents as a DM for any of the following games people might be interested in playing -

Deathwatch - New Warhammer 40K Roleplaying game where you take on the role of the Emperor's mighty Space Marines.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition - Games Workshops latest Warhammer Roleplay offering, allowing you to play Humans, Dwarves, High or Wood Elves as you struggle to save the Old World.

DnD 4th Ed - DnD's latest edition. Though I don't have the sheer volume of resources for this game as I do for 3.5, I'm quite capable of running this if people fancy it.

DnD 3.5 - My specialty. I can run a game of 3.5 with only a pencil and a single set of dice should I forget my rulebooks. :P

World of Darkness: Geist, the Sin-Eaters - You died. And then you came back. Only when you returned you brought something with you. A geist, halfway between ghost and god, is merged with your soul and now you can see the dead. Worse still, they can see you too.

World of Darkness: Changeling, the Lost - Something came from beyond the Hedge and took you back with it, leaving behind a soulless Fetch in your place. When you finally escaped and returned home, it was only to find that you'd been permanently changed by the act of travelling to and from the Hedge, the boundry between reality and Arcadia. Yet you are still hunted by your Keeper, a fairy, a True Fae.

Star Wars 4th Ed - Tis Star Wars roleplay! What more do you want? :-D

Paladin posts: 219

Oh, and I assume that tis year Big Meetup will be held at Beer and Pretzels as normally happens in May? :P

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

That depends on whether they coincide or not. This year they do, so some consideration should be given to that scenario, but some always find Burton a step too far.


Paladin posts: 219

Well thats cool :-) Still after opinions though :P

posts: 15

If you'll probably end up running this at B&P, then I'd suggest a one-off game of something fairly light on the rules side - makes it easier to pick up an extra player or two, and get straight into some RP!

Personally, I'd quite like to play some Geist and save the Warhammer/Deathwatch stuff for a longer running game. Having said that, I'll play pretty much anything :P


Paladin posts: 219

Well, I'm happy to run short adventures or longer campagains at the big meet, I dunna mind. :-)

Mik posts: 48 United Kingdom

Beer & Pretzels will be 14/15 May this year.

Also in case your interested its Raiders of the Game Cupboard on 19th March.

Jaxtasha posts: 111

I will be torn between deadlines and other random rubbish however I will probably be either playing something, would quite like a go at something WoD stuff or running Xorvintaal if all my players are around! If they aint (I suspect Dan may be busy) then chalk me up as a player at B&P although if previous years are any indicator I will be sick!

Paladin posts: 219

I'm perfectly happy to run a bit of NWoD. :-D

Did you have a preference between Geist and Changeling, Ash?

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