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Anyone in or near (dire) Corby?

Apoc posts: 78

Hi everyone biggrin

Just wondering if there were any players in or around the Corby area?

I am already in a game with Len over in Leicester but was hoping we had some other players near by for a second game closer to home biggrin

Pretty open to most games although i only have experience with D&D 3.5 at the moment.

So if you live in or around here and fancy a game or if you know of an existing group let me know biggrin


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

There are people in Corby? eek


Apoc posts: 78

so the legend goes...

some with only ten fingers and ten toes if you beleive some of the more outlandish myths and legends eek

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

I know there is a gaming club in the area, or there was. I don't know more than that about it though. And if I think we have had a sign up or two in the general area. So there is gaming hope.

Apoc posts: 78

Aye Kettering games club is nearby, have played GW games there in the past and tried to get a game of D&D off the ground but they are big Babylon 5 players and that really isn't my cup of tea rolleyes

I was hoping there was a few players close to hand (hence the post), and remember Len telling me there was a couple of people out this way when i pointed out my lonely pin on the member map biggrin

Dom posts: 2 United Kingdom

Well, I live in Northampton, but I can't really commit to a game at the moment. :-(

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Unfortunately lots of members have not bothered to put their pins on the map, so it isn't as useful as it could be. Otherwise it might be a case of finding a few folks nearby and putting the word out.

I know of some folks in the Northampton neighbourhood who might be interested who are not members here. (yet?) I will get in touch and see if they are D&D fans. I know they are WHFRP fans.


Apoc posts: 78

I am pretty open to other systems and since I play Warhammer with minis, I would imagine I have a pretty good grounding with the fluff in whfrp.

Oh and it means thati have loads of models to play with too biggrin

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Well, from the folks I know in Northampton.

it seems like the local RP community is pretty non-existant or just very good at hiding!

They have a WFRP 2nd ed game they play in that is full. But have been looking for a D&D 3.5 game for 2 years.


Apoc posts: 78

lol, tell em i have beer and chocolate if they come to mine ;) if not ill go to them!

Pretty certain my wife would like to play. Just need a DM and another player or two to get going.

There does seem to be a big void around of gamers around here and the few i did find never came through sad

oh well, i have a few feelers out there now, i'll just have to see what happens biggrin

Apoc posts: 78

Ok, so i'll have to admit defeat in trying to find a game locally and will now be happyish to travel around 30mins in any direction now that i have a reliable car! (touch wood).

Have even resorted to trying to teach my wife 4e using the starter box and changing the monsters around so she can solo them! not going well so far ;)

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Hopefully, we will be restarting the short Armagada campaign before too much longer.

We have several people chomping at the bit, (If not toes) for it to restart, but we have Pinto's player doing the Am-Dram thing still. It would be a pity to have to start without all the players.


Apoc posts: 78

Sweeet biggrin

Drogo will sharpen up his forks in preparation twisted.

In the mean time i will carry on trying to get my wife to understand 4e! dug it back out after watching the guys from robot chicken play with Chris Perkins as DM on youtube.

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