Bandaluthia Session 39


Bandaluthia Session 39

Table of contents The party rested fitfully for the rest of the night. As the sun began to rise they believed they were being watched. Then Tyler saw them, men in tribal dress, with animal skins (and heads) as adornments. More-and-more were seen: the party were surrounded. One of the tribesmen, wearing a wolf skin, stepped forward and began to speak. Brother Coelho cast comprehend languages and it transpired they had been sent to “guide” the party to the Temple. After some discussion Brother Coelho, Tyler, Negri, Lupa, Dreizack and Canvell the Wolf accompanied the tribesmen to a fast-flowing jungle river. Canoes were drawn up on the shingle bank.

The journey was quick as the tribesman (who had oozing sores from some kind of malady) guided their canoes down the rapids expertly. After a brief break they continued on and eventually the jungle opened up, with the river widening and shingle beaches either side. The canoes were landed and the most senior tribesman, wearing a silverback gorilla pelt and headdress, led the Animals some way toward the Temple. At the edge of a cliff they beheld a stepped pyramid sunk 300ft into a crater. The Temple rose such that the peak was only some 50ft below the group. After some discussion the Animals were able to procure a rope-ladder which was secured and cast down into the pit. At the bottom of the pit a pool of stagnant water acted as moat, guarding the Temple from the cavernous void left by the overhanging cliffs above.

The party descended, Tyler first. Next came Dreizack. Tyler ascended for some piece of equipment but, on her second trip down, disaster struck. She slipped and tumbled into the black water surrounding the temple, sinking like a stone. Brother Coelho and Negri yelled from above for Dreizack to jump in. Instead he began hastily to unfasten his armour. Slowly at first, and then with the gathering pace which necessity required. Negri began to scramble down the rope-ladder to assist. But, half-way down he, too, slipped, falling the last 150ft into the icy depths below. The contrast in temperature, compared to the jungle heat, took his breath away.

As he removed the last of his armour Dreizack jumped in. Immediately he grabbed the arm of the struggling Tyler, and dragged her to the surface even though she was adorned in banded armour. The others descended and dragged the bedraggled group from the water. The party took stock and after weighing-down the end of the rope ladder they marched toward to Temple.

Entering the lower level they turned to the left. There was a coldness about this area. On, through the dark, they pressed until their path was blocked be a dead creature, which was not dead. In hushed tones Negri warned them that there were undead all about: ahead, to their right, above. This did not augur well. They entered a small room to one side and were set-upon by fell creatures. Calling on the power of Yondalla, or was it Dallah Thorn, Brother Coelho disintegrated a mummy with divine light. The other enemies fell. Lupa was anxious to be underground thus. More fell creatures – giant spiders – attacked. The Animals prevailed. As they entered a further room Dreizack, who was leading, glimpsed a shadowy figure. Madness gripped him: Lupa and Canvell the Wolf too. The latter two struck at Negri and brother Coelho, but regained themselves quickly. Meanwhile Dreizack struck at Tyler with his Luckblade, missing twice. Tyler hit him square in the face with the hilt of her sword, and he stepped back. Once more she hit him, rocking him and bringing him back to his senses. The party had survived, despite the wicked enchantments which had been placed upon them. What they would encounter next, and who the shadowy creature had been, only time would tell.

Contributors to this page: Len .
Page last modified on Saturday 26 of June, 2010 10:32:00 BST by Len.

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